by admin | Nov 8, 1998 | fiction
one man and his dog (de man met de hond)feature film, 85′, 35 mm, colour this beguiling tragicomedy explores a young man’s clumsy attempts at escaping his mundane existence by conjuring up an exciting, yet fictional, reality. kees is a rather goofy social...
by admin | Nov 8, 1996 | fiction
it is the greed, gentlemen! (het is de schraapzucht, gentlemen!)single play, 47′, video, colour triptych after short animal stories by anton koolhaas, featuring a musing sheep, frolicsome pigs and a wise old gentleman seagull. script: annette apon based on three...
by admin | Nov 8, 1993 | fiction
fort naarden (naarden-vesting)television drama, 52′, video, colour mira fontijn is a classical singer. one day, she returns home after a rehearsal and has to face the presence of a perfect stranger, a noisy woman, karin, who has fetched her little daughter from...
by admin | Nov 8, 1990 | fiction
crocodiles in amsterdam (krokodillen in amsterdam)feature film, 88′, 35 mm, colour apart from their guts, wild imagination and penchant for a particular shade of blue, there couldn’t be two more different women in amsterdam. they meet by chance. nina, a...
by admin | Nov 10, 1988 | fiction
voyage without end (reis zonder einde)fiction, 53′, 16 mm, colour voyage without end is based upon texts from reise ohne ende (1983) by austrian writer peter rosei. in the film, the characters yolanda and josé represent two motifs from rosei’s text: for...
by admin | Nov 10, 1985 | fiction
ornithopter feature film, 87′, 16mm, colour 500 years ago, leonardo da vinci designed an ornithopter, an aeroplane with flapping wings – an impracticable alternation, we observe two groups of youngsters, in a snackbar in amsterdam west and in a...