by admin | Nov 10, 1994 | ultra short
a winter in zuiderwoude (een winter in zuiderwoude)documentary, 8′, 16 mm, black/white variations in white, black and grey. while snow and frost keep transforming the landscape outside, the occupants of the warm stable are waiting for spring to come. idea,...
by admin | Nov 10, 1988 | ultra short
distances 1 & 2 & 3 1: documentary, 7′, 16 mm, zwart/wit2: fiction, 12′, 16 mm, black/white3: fiction, 5′, 16 mm, colour distances 1 (afstanden 1) impressions of an asphalting engine, as it works on a road. idea, editing: annette apon photography:...
by admin | Nov 10, 1984 | fiction
projections (projekties)fiction, 30′, 16 mm, black/white amsterdams stadsjournaal 36 an anniversary and farewell film about film and filmmaking. a reflection about 10 years amsterdam city newsreel with gerard thoolen who plays an unemployed film operator. while...