by admin | Nov 8, 1998 | fiction
one man and his dog (de man met de hond)feature film, 85′, 35 mm, colour this beguiling tragicomedy explores a young man’s clumsy attempts at escaping his mundane existence by conjuring up an exciting, yet fictional, reality. kees is a rather goofy social...
by admin | Nov 8, 1996 | fiction
it is the greed, gentlemen! (het is de schraapzucht, gentlemen!)single play, 47′, video, colour triptych after short animal stories by anton koolhaas, featuring a musing sheep, frolicsome pigs and a wise old gentleman seagull. script: annette apon based on three...
by admin | Nov 8, 1990 | fiction
crocodiles in amsterdam (krokodillen in amsterdam)feature film, 88′, 35 mm, colour apart from their guts, wild imagination and penchant for a particular shade of blue, there couldn’t be two more different women in amsterdam. they meet by chance. nina, a...