het jaagt door de dagmarkt (dashing across the supermarket) by hubert fermin

cast: hubert fermin
a toneelschuur production
I am struck by Fermin’s capacity to achieve so much depth and astonishing associations with very commonplace words and sentences. Fermin does not enact the man, but depicts him. His hands and face reveal that he constantly contemplates everything he does, as if he thinks it up right there and then, and senses it that way.
Quite suggestively, the placid presentation still acquires an impression of enforced haste, through the water dripping from the tail end of a garden hose, that winding along reels and props encloses the stage.
(Utrechts Nieuwsblad)
The show takes some forty glasses to be filled with the water, and it is unusually poetic. A tension that is expressed solely through a knowing use of the language. Annette Apon has directed Hubert Fermin in his stage poem. They must have understood one another very well, because while the show seems difficult to access, it still captivates all throughout those forty glasses.
(Haarlems Dagblad)